Safe Sedation

Conscious Sedation Dentistry

We are dedicated to you with a positive dental experience through and through. When you leave our office, we want you to have a big and happy smile, not just because of our work, but also because you had a good time! We want you to enjoy your routine dental examinations because when you see us regularly, you are less likely to develop dental problems in the future.

Safe Sedation Options

We offer safe sedation options when they are necessary. We understand that sometimes the dental chair is just too much and that you might need something extra to help calm your nerves. If you are in need of restorative work like extractions or fillings, we have the proper anesthetics to ensure there will be little to no pain. All of our sedation options are safe, effective, and comfortable.

  • Nitrous Oxide
  • Oral Conscious Sedation

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as laughing gas, is a gas that is mixed with oxygen, which, once inhaled, promotes an extreme sense of relaxation. This is a good option for patients who are feeling very uneasy about sitting in the dental chair. They will remain conscious and will be able to answer questions from Dr. Oliverson during the treatment. Once we remove the nitrous oxide, you will feel back to normal within minutes, and can go about your day without any side effects.

Oral Conscious Sedation

This option is better suited for those who have already developed a bigger fear of the dentist. About 1 hour before the procedure, our team will carefully administer a pill. By appointment time, you’ll be feeling extremely relaxed and serene. You will remain conscious for the treatment, allowing you to answer any questions Dr. Oliverson might have. You will continue to feel the effects of oral conscious sedation for about an hour after the appointment is over.

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